If you want to practice conversation some more, 会話テーブル(Conversation table) にきます。11/4 (Thursday)に CSLC であります。よじよんじゅっぷんからごじまでです。にほんじんとはなします!
My blog is at this address if you would like to take a look: http://eriza-besuto.blogspot.com/
If you download the program Rikaichan、it will help you look up words you don't know. When you put you cursor over the word you don't know, the reading and English meaning will pop up instantly. It will work on blogs, Japanese websites, etc. You can find it here: http://www.polarcloud.com/rikaichan/
ファンさん、こんにちは!ギーです。おぼえていますか?きょうは CSLC でべんきょうしました。
If you want to practice conversation some more, 会話テーブル(Conversation table) にきます。11/4 (Thursday)に CSLC であります。よじよんじゅっぷんからごじまでです。にほんじんとはなします!
My blog is at this address if you would like to take a look: http://eriza-besuto.blogspot.com/
If you download the program Rikaichan、it will help you look up words you don't know. When you put you cursor over the word you don't know, the reading and English meaning will pop up instantly. It will work on blogs, Japanese websites, etc. You can find it here: http://www.polarcloud.com/rikaichan/
ぼくも オハヨ ステイトの 大学が すきです。
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